Robert Pattinson Childhood Pictures

British actor Robert Thomas Pattinson born on May 13, 1986(age 24) in London, England. He has two elder sisters, Lizzy and Victoria. Rob Pattinson was ranked #10 on The Telegraph’s list of the 10 Highest Paid Actors, with earnings of $16 million from the Twilight movies. Rumors are hot that he is dating Kristen Stewart.They are named best couple of 2010.

robert pattinson childhood picture
cute robert pattinson photo
robert pattinson baby photo
robert pattinson as a child

Brad Pitt Childhood Photos

William Bradley Pitt (Brad Pitt) is a popular hollywood actor born on born 18th December, 1963 (age 47) in Oklahoma, United States. Media described him as a world's most sexiest man. He has two siblings - Doug Pitt and Julie Neal Pitt.Brad Pitt married to actress Jennifer Aniston in 1998. They were in relationship for five years and finally got divorced in 2005. Later he married to Angelina Jolie.

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brad pitt picture
Brad pitt as a child
brad pitt childhood pic
brad pitt with his family

Angelina Jolie Childhood Pictures

Angelina Jolie is an American actress and model. Born on June 4, 1975, She is one of the world's most beautiful and attractive women. She made her screen debut as a child with her father Jon Voight in 1982 in the film "Lookin to Get Out".

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Angelina Jolie childhood pics

angelina jolie childhood photo

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